Displaying items by tag: LEE HARVEY OSWALD

Wednesday, 28 August 2013 21:46

Larry Hancock, NEXUS



An interesting and worthwhile work. ... it has a unique approach to it, and Hancock’s analysis of the crime has sophistication, intelligence and nuance to it, writes Jim DiEugenio.



Tuesday, 30 April 2013 20:39

Ron Rosenbaum Fires the First Salvo, Part 2

Rosenbaum represents all that is wrong with the MSM on both Jim Angleton and the JFK case, writes Jim DiEugenio.

Tuesday, 30 April 2013 20:31

Ron Rosenbaum Fires the First Salvo, Part 1

El Exigente does the same thing with Angleton as he does with the critics. Except in reverse. He hides the worst aspects, softens the weak spots, and covers up the man's disasters. And, most necessary of all, he completely censors Angleton's associations with Oswald, writes Jim DiEugenio.

At the end of his review of JFK and the Unspeakable, DiEugenio wrote that Jim Douglass’ book was the best in the field since Gerald McKnight’s.  The author’s own book has a dual distinction.  It is the best book on Garrison yet written, and it is the best work on the JFK case since the Douglass book, writes Albert Rossi.

In reaction to her appeal to the Warren Commission's lone gunman conclusions in order to promote gun control legislation.

Dale Myers' early opinions on the assassination as a covert operation, as revealed in this interview with John Kelin from 1982.

Right about the time that Lee Harvey Oswald joined the Marines, the CIA ... reached the conclusion that they needed a new plane that would far exceed [the U2]. ... it makes sense that the CIA would want to ... take the knowledge that the U2 is most likely going to get hit at some point and build a counter-intelligence mission around it. Oswald may have been a part of such a mission, reasons Mark Prior.

Published in General

Jim DiEugenio examines Wikipedia's entry on the Warren Commission, showing once more that, far from being a “People's Encyclopedia,” regarding the John F. Kennedy assassination, Wikipedia is nothing but a tightly controlled, one-sided, and unrelenting psy-op.

The author reviews the changes made to the Lee Harvey Oswald Wikipedia page in the 11 months since the publication of part 1 of this article.

Wikipedia gets the facts wrong on the alleged Tippit murder weapon, as Jim DiEugenio point out.

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