
  • CAPA 2022
    Written by
    CAPA 2022

    Looking for details on the 2022 CAPA Conference in Dallas? Find them here.

    Written on %PM, %21 %640 %2022 %14:%Sep
  • The Unheard Tapes: Part 2
    The Unheard Tapes: Part 2

    Don McGovern wraps up his assessment of Netflix’s newly hyped documentary, The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes, by exposing the evidence that Anthony Summers excluded from the film and deducing that the “documentary” is, in actually, just a sensationalized melodrama featuring dramatized pantomime by unidentified actors where viewers are treated to maudlin music and grimy film-noir-like cinematography.

    Written on %PM, %21 %924 %2022 %21:%Aug
  • The Unheard Tapes: Part 1
    The Unheard Tapes: Part 1

    Now that Netflix has released its newly hyped documentary, The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes, Don McGovern starts his assessment of the sometimes dubious content and often dubious qualifications of the sources interviewed by Anthony Summers in these “unheard” tapes in part 1 of this two-part article. McGovern notes that Summers offers some commentary as well about his investigation into Marilyn’s life and her death, but, sadly, primarily about her death and her sex life.

    Written on %AM, %01 %269 %2022 %05:%Aug
  • Oliver Stone in Quebec City (Part 2)
    Written by
    Oliver Stone in Quebec City (Part 2)

    Paul Bleau concludes his two-part series on Oliver Stone’s recent visit to the Quebec City Film Festival by reporting on the panel discussion with Rafael Jacocb, Stone, Jim DiEugenio, and himself, rehashing a somewhat contentious interview between Jean François Lépine and Stone, and assessing the aftermath of this historic visit.

    Written on %PM, %10 %958 %2022 %22:%Jul
  • Oliver Stone in Quebec City (Part 1)
    Written by
    Oliver Stone in Quebec City (Part 1)

    Paul Bleau, in this two-part series, recounts Oliver Stone’s recent visit to the Quebec City Film Festival, which included a retrospective of his career at the Le Clap Cinema as well as a special screening of his new documentary JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass. In part one of the series, Paul traces the backstory of the visit, Stone’s arrival, and the itinerary leading up to the panel discussion with Oliver and Jim DiEugenio.

    Written on %PM, %03 %996 %2022 %22:%Jul

Television & Media

  • CNN’s Apologia for LBJ, Part Two
    CNN’s Apologia for LBJ, Part Two

    Jim DiEugenio completes his review of this disappointing and less-than-candid four-part series about Johnson and his presidency, LBJ: Triumph and Tragedy, by reviewing the details of Johnson’s entrance into Vietnam and his escalation of the war that ultimately led to the fragmentation of the Democratic Party and a descent into militarism from which the nation has yet to recover.

    Written on %AM, %11 %205 %2022 %03:%Apr
  • Deep Fake Politics: The Prankster, the Prosecutor, and the Para-political
    Written by
    Deep Fake Politics: The Prankster, the Prosecutor, and the Para-political

    Aaron Good continues his review of Adam Curtis’ Can’t Get You Out of My Head with Part 2, which explores how Curtis relies heavily on Kerry Thornley in developing his bizarre take on “conspiracy theories” and then omits, distorts, and cherry picks facts to present his interminable exploration of our current dystopia.

    Written on %AM, %02 %041 %2021 %00:%Jun
  • All in the Family: Charlotte and Jonathan Alter
    Written by
    All in the Family: Charlotte and Jonathan Alter

    In the best tradition of KennedysAndKing, reader Wayne Stewart read Charlotte Alter’s Time Magazine article and saw the corresponding TV spot. He replied to her with a letter, which we publish here. We hope it inspires others to do the same.

    Written on %PM, %17 %795 %2020 %18:%Oct
  • Who Killed Malcolm X? (Review)
    Who Killed Malcolm X? (Review)

    Joe Green reviews the documentary, Who Killed Malcom X? by Ark Media, exposing the omissions that sacrifice clarity and context by treating the assassination like an ordinary murder, chasing individual suspects and missing the underlying political structures.

    Written on %PM, %07 %983 %2020 %22:%Mar
  • Ark Media and Malcolm X: Bad Acting and Half-Truths
    Written by
    Ark Media and Malcolm X:  Bad Acting and Half-Truths

    Karl Evanzz reviews the “theatrical” documentary, Who Killed Malcom X? by Ark Media, act by act and reveals the half-truths that make up the whole lie.

    Written on %PM, %23 %031 %2020 %23:%Feb
  • King in the Wilderness
    King in the Wilderness

    Jim reviews what he deems to be the best of three recent TV documentaries on Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Written on %PM, %27 %938 %2018 %21:%Jul

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