Sunday, 30 October 2016 13:34

Letter to Louis Freeh, FBI Director, from Charles Marks

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Asking for the release of records pertaining to the JFK assassination.

Director Louis Freeh
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington, DC 20535

Dear Director Freeh:

I certainly want to congratulate you on your successes as Director fo the FBI these three years, including a welcome moderation of the unfortunate excesses of previous years.

It is unfortunate that some White House personnel seem to have taken advantage of an apparent weakness in Personnel File Security in order to inappropriately obtain supposedly secure Personnel Files for purposes yet to be revealed. Your indignation at this breach and apparent abuse is to be applauded.

Lastly, those of us from Pres. John Kennedy's generation have now waited 33 years for the release of documents long held in secrecy by the FBI and other agencies. Before we pass from this life, we would certainly appreciate the ready and un-redacted release of all the documents provided for under the Act of Congress concerning the release of assassination-related records/documents.

I was only 17 when WWII ended so was not called to serve, but I still managed to accumulate a total of 49 years of active, reserve, and retired service with the U.S. Navy, a fact of which I am very proud.

Millions of men older than I served, fought bravely, were wounded, or even gave their lives to preserve this most free and open country.

In memory of all those who served, I hope that you can now see your way clear to release all pertinent records with as few redactions as possible – people involved most likely are dead by now, or safe in retirement.

This would be a very positive and welcome move, both for yourself as Director, and for the FBI as a newly proud institution.

Thanking you in advance for your attention to and positive consideration of this request, I am

Sincerely yours,

Charles C. Marks, Jr.

P.S. By taking positive action in this regard you would be setting a fine example for others, who doubtless look to yours as a lead agency!

Last modified on Monday, 31 October 2016 01:29

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