Sunday, 30 October 2016 14:33

Letter to the Washington Post, from Donald Knight

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Concerning a photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald which they published and incorrectly captioned as being from his trip to Mexico City.

The Washington Post
1150 15th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20071
Attn: Mr. Ben Bradlee


In your Friday, August 18, 1995 edition of your newspaper an article appeared in the IN BRIEF column on page A23. The caption under the photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald read, "Lee Harvey Oswald, on a Mexico trip shortly before the Kennedy assassination, contacted the Cuban and Soviet embassies and attracted CIA attention."

This photograph is NOT, " . . . on a Mexico trip shortly before the Kennedy assassination . . . ". It is a photograph taken in the basement of the Dallas Police headquarters basement on Sunday morning November 24, 1963.

The CIA's head of operations for the Western Hemisphere, David Atlee Phillips, during a debate with author Mark Lane in September 1977 admits, "There never was a photograph taken of Lee Harvey Oswadl in Mexico City." (Between September 26 - October 3, 1963, the CIA "claimed" that Lee Harvey Oswald visited the Cuban and Soviet embassies in Mexico.)

The Dallas Police headquarters basement photograph was taken by Jack Bears, Dallas Morning News, with his Mamiyaflox [sp?] with a 65mm lens and a flash attachment.

As a prominent national newspaper you, as well as all others, are duty-bound to adhere to &3147;Accuracy-in-the-Media". You have not in the past, especially related to the JFK assassination, and you still continue down the road to disinformation. Will you "correct" your error in a future issue? I trust you will.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this most important matter. DO NOT ALLOW THE COVER-UP TO CONTINUE . . .


Donald Knight

[Mr. Knight's attachments included the photo used in the Post, which was clearly cropped from the picture of Oswald just as Ruby stepped in to shoot him the Dallas Police Department basement. We would still be interested in why the Post used such a misleading caption on a very famous photograph.]

Last modified on Wednesday, 02 November 2016 02:17

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