Sunday, 30 October 2016 13:19

Pete Johnson to the Columbus Dispatch (1)

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Concerning the supposed Castro connection to the JFK assassination.

A recent edition of The Dispatch carried a Forum page column by Georgie Ann Geyer, appropriately headlined "New Castro-JFK link answers no questions." In it, she states that Lee Harvey Oswald's strange journey to Mexico points to a Castro involvement that is hard to deny.

At the same time, the concluding sentence is, "This new information only leads us back to one truth: We still do not really know who killed John F. Kennedy."

The idea that Fidel Castro (or the Mafia) killed Kennedy leaves a major question unanswered. Why, then, would the Central Intelligence Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation cover up important facts during the investigation (as reported by Newsweek, November 1993).

If Castro did it, why was not a complete, effective and honest investigation done, with the conspirators ultimately brought to justice? Does anyone seriously think that Castro felt he, himself, or his small renegade nation would be safer with Lyndon B. Johnson as president? Who stood to gain most by Kennedy's death?

The CIA lied and covered up many important facts during the investigation, but it was not alone. Anyone familiar with Harold Weisberg's work has an idea of the depth of deception. The lies of the CIA are numerous and well-documented, up to and including the agencies aiding and abetting in the murder of an American (and let's not forget Guatemalan) citizens, as charged by Rep. Robert Torricelli, D-N.J.

I cannot believe the "Castro" or the "Mafia" theory until we have an honest accounting by the American government, which cannot possibly occur while the CIA operates in a lawless and immoral environment, concerned not with the protection of democracy but with the control of it.

Pete Johnson
Westerville, Ohio

Last modified on Sunday, 30 October 2016 13:26

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