Sunday, 30 October 2016 13:10

R.T. Lee to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer

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Concerning columns of Marianne Means on the JFK assassination and Christopher Mathews on Watergate.

The regressive ramblings of columists Marianne Means on the Kennedy assassination and Christopher Mathews dissembling on Watergate, where 10 years later we find the same collection of CIA operatives bringing down another uncooperative administration, are perfect examples of the co-option of our media into little more than a propaganda tool for the economic/political establishment running the country for their own personal benefit.

Despite such ongoing disinformation campaigns in "our" media, the evidence unearthed by many honest researchers over the years has established beyond any doubt a CIA-orchestrated government complicity in our political assassinations and the "set up" of the Nixon/Kissinger administration. Such owner-advertiser-controlled information sources we generally rely on have not, however, been able to prevent up to 89 percent (CBS poll) of the public from drawing the obvious and correct conclusion. Neither ignoring the laws of physics in the JFK assassination or the contradictions in the chain of evidence for Watergate will make any of the examples of illegitimacy in our system of government or justice go away.

The manifestations of the co-option of our democracy are today seen in the ongoing exploitation of the working class and the poor. With representational government now sold out to the highest corporate bidder along with our "free" press (the only check on such exploitation), the animosities and frustrations so created will increasingly be violently vented, correctly or incorrectly, against such illegitimate authority and government. As we were warned, "the love of money is the root of all evil," so it is now evidenced.

R. T. Lee

Last modified on Wednesday, 02 November 2016 02:20

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